Proverbs 7:6-23

When it comes to sexual immorality, biblical wisdom commands you to love the truths of heaven to resist lying lusts that lead to hell (7:1–27). Faithfully obeying God’s Word (1–5) protects you from the foolishness of immorality (6–23). Sometimes a clear example is needed, so one is provided here, first by describing a foolish young person (6–9). (Remember that in the Bible a “fool” is an unbeliever, who doesn’t fear the Lord.) This person is with the wrong people (7a “among the simple”), doesn’t have godly wisdom (7b), rushes toward instead of away from evil (8), and wanders aimlessly at a time and around a location he shouldn’t be at (9). Next, the immoral person is described (10–20). This person is “dressed to kill,” her appearance matches her heart (10). There isn’t a smidgen of godly character or lifestyle (11–12), and has a hardened, won’t-take-no-for-an-answer pursuit of immorality (13–20). This pursuit uses shock treatment (13), hypocritical religious talk to soothe the conscience (14), flattery (15, “you” 3x), enticing, sensual appeal (16–18), and assurances that no one will know or find out (19–20). The last part of this illustration describes the foolish youth’s fall (21–23). He yields to the flattery, deceit, and seduction (21). He doesn’t think, ignores the danger, and lives in the moment (22). He is completely ignorant of any danger until its too late (23). What a sad, tragic, yet all too common tale. It is so common that this is something seen “from the window of my house.”

1. What the world calls “love” (18) is really lust. Matthew Henry (1662–1714) said, “true love is from heaven; this is from hell.”
2. How could this young person have avoided this sad end? Think through every step described here when answering this.
3. Some foolishly think viewing pornography doesn’t hurt anyone. How does it train your mind and heart? Would that make you “riper” or more resistant to this situation?
4. The world sees nothing wrong with this story. In fact, they’d make millions from a movie of it. This is how fools mock at sin (Prov 14:9). How do you view this, like Prov 1:7a, or Prov 1:7b?

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