Today’s Devotional: Mark 1

You can download this week’s entire Daily Devotional in booklet form here.

Mark’s account of the life and ministry of Jesus the God-man (“Son of God, v. 1) began with the work of John the Baptist, who called Israel to repent of their sins and watch for the Messiah who would soon come (vv. 2-8). When Jesus the Messiah appeared he identified himself with the Baptizer’s message by being immersed himself (vv. 9-11). Jesus was then tempted by Satan in the wilderness (vv. 12-13).

From 1:14-8:26 Mark centers on Jesus’ ministry in Galilee, primarily focusing on his works and the growing opposition to him.

John the Baptist was imprisoned, his ministry completed, and Jesus began preaching in Galilee that he, the Messiah, Israel’s King, had come and all must believe in him (vv. 14-15). Jesus then called four Galileans to leave everything, follow and learn from him, and serve in the work (vv. 16-20). The legitimacy of Jesus’ claim to be the Messiah was proven when he cast out demons in Capernaum (vv. 21-28), healed Peter’s mother-in-law of sickness (vv. 29-31), and did many other similar miracles (vv. 32-34).

Jesus did not stay in Capernaum but went throughout Galilee praying, preaching, casting out demons, and healing the sick, all of which were part of his ministry as Israel’s King and Messiah (vv. 35-45).

Truths to Nail Down and Apply

  1. John the Baptist’s baptism (Mark 1:4) was for Jews to publicly announce their repentance and belief in the coming Messiah. Christian baptism (Mark 16:15) publicly announces a believer’s repentance and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation.
  2. Miracles are supernatural acts of God that infrequently occurred in biblical history. Miracles served as supporting signs of God’s messengers and their message, verifying such were truly from him.
  3. Praise the Lord that Jesus is infinitely greater than any power or effect of sin!

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