Psalm 109

Crying to God for help when under attack.

1–5 Appeal to God for help
6–15 Asking God to judge evildoers
16–20 The wicked reap what they sow
21–29 Prayer for help
30–31 Promise to praise

  • Remember, the prayer in vv. 6–20 is called imprecatory, or curses. It is based on the Mosaic Law—enemies of God’s people are enemies of God. also remember that all aspects of life under the Law were viewed as a whole, including national/political aspects.
  • What application can be made from this psalm? Well, how did the psalmist respond to enemies? Who did he trust in? Scriptural truth guided him, not his flesh.
  • From v. 27, what one thing did the psalmist want to see more than anything else?

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