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2 Thessalonians 1

2 Thessalonians 1

Paul wrote this second letter to the Thessalonian church a month or two after his first, as he had received another concerning report about them. The church continued to experience severe persecution (1:1-12), someone impersonating Paul wrote a letter to them saying the Day of the Lord had come (2:1-17), and some of the Christians there were not working (3:6-18). Paul thus sought to encourage them and correct these problems.

The Thessalonian church must continue enduring persecution as faithful Christians should (vv. 3-4). Though evil men caused Christians to suffer, believers must remember that when Jesus returns God will judge the wicked with vengeance and everlasting destruction and be glorified in his saints (vv. 5-10). Paul thus prayed they would so endure so that Jesus would be glorified in them on that day (vv. 11-12).

Truths to Nail Down and Meditate On

  1. Christian virtues such as faith, love, and patience never depend on circumstances but must always be present and growing (vv. 3-4).
  2. In this life it is normal for Christians to suffer for their faith (v. 5b; cf. Phil 1:29; 2 Tim 3:12). Christian, do not live for or expect unending ease and comfort in this life; that will not happen until Christ establishes his kingdom (v. 5b)!
  3. God sees, knows, and will righteously judge the wicked. Christian, you must not take vengeance now but leave that to the Lord (Rom 12:19).
  4. God gave promises for his saints, and Christians must pray for God to fulfill those (vv. 11-12). Paul had just said what God’s will was for them (v. 10) and then he immediately prayed for that very thing (vv. 11-12)! God uses prayer to accomplish his purposes. Do you know God’s will, plan, and promises as given in the Bible? Are you praying for your brothers and sisters according to God’s Word?
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